ESP Biography

REYNALDO SANTANA, Motivational Speaker & Teacher of Leadership


College/Employer: ESG Housing Inc

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Reynaldo Santana

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Reynaldo A. Santana is a rising philanthropist and with a passion for breathing life into big ideas. As the founder and CEO of Marketing with Experts, Reynaldo, has built a reputation for outstanding leadership, mentorship and change management among clients worldwide who seek to grow their businesses. Over the last 12 years, he has developed intimate knowledge and skills in the retail, entertainment, technology, start up, government and education industries, making him a well-rounded and highly capable professional serving across a variety of fields and functions. His plan is to continue building his business worldwide in order to continue to help firms maximize their potential through excellent strategic planning and development.

Reynaldo holds three degrees from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, in international business, business management and information technology. He also holds a master’s degree in leadership studies from Northeastern University with a specialization in team-based leadership. He is a first-generation college graduate.

When he’s not in the office, Reynaldo enjoys serving as a guest conductor at Boston College, and enjoys playing his trumpet.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H10467: Becoming a Leader! in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
In this course, you will learn how to become an effective leader. Ever dreamed of being a president?! Will you have a big company in the future? Do you want to be an example to your peers? All these questions will be answered. This course will prepare you to become a leader in whatever you wish to apply in. I look forward to sharing my leadership secrets with you all.

X9754: Building Your Leadership Brand in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
This course is about building your leadership brand. Your personal leadership brand impacts your leadership style, the team, project and organization you lead. Ultimately how you choose to live your life. Personal Branding is often thought of nowadays as a way of describing self-packaging – in other words the way in which people market and promote themselves to the outside world. It’s more about your own motivation and what you really want to sell that matters. Your personal leadership brand is within your control and can be carefully shaped and crafted according to your guiding principles. When you become aware of what you stand for you start to create a management and leadership style that is completely unique and authentic. Then you can look at how to package it up and put it out there. Everything you do can grow and reflect your personal leadership brand: the projects you lead, the networks you develop, the customers you delight, the initiatives you take. And it is what other people will remember about you. All the time you’re learning, growing, building relationships, and delivering great results, it’s good for you and you shall see the rewards. This course will help you understand, design and communicate your personal value proposition – your footprint in the world.

X10193: Building Your Leadership Brand in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
This course is about building your leadership brand. Your personal leadership brand impacts your leadership style, the team, project and organization you lead. Ultimately how you choose to live your life. Personal Branding is often thought of nowadays as a way of describing self-packaging – in other words the way in which people market and promote themselves to the outside world. It’s more about your own motivation and what you really want to sell that matters. Your personal leadership brand is within your control and can be carefully shaped and crafted according to your guiding principles. When you become aware of what you stand for you start to create a management and leadership style that is completely unique and authentic. Then you can look at how to package it up and put it out there. Everything you do can grow and reflect your personal leadership brand: the projects you lead, the networks you develop, the customers you delight, the initiatives you take. And it is what other people will remember about you. All the time you’re learning, growing, building relationships, and delivering great results, it’s good for you and you shall see the rewards. This course will help you understand, design and communicate your personal value proposition – your footprint in the world.