ESP Biography


Major: Physics

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Saranesh Prembabu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X15676: Europe Does Not Exist: learn the art of making conspiracy theories in Splash 2023 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2023)
Did you learn in school that there is something called a "Europe" located north of Africa and west of Asia? Well, that is actually wrong! You've been lied to and brainwashed by the shameless ruling elites to believe in this nonsense. There is overwhelming evidence to prove that every single thing you've heard regarding this so-called "Europe" is pure fabrication. What about the Eiffel Tower? That's actually in China. Stonehenge? In Zimbabwe. Shakespeare was an Iraqi and Isaac Newton flat out never existed. Come learn about just some of the abundant evidence that there is no such thing as "Europe". Let us together uncover this obscene conspiracy. In the process we'll learn tips on how you too can spin a conspiracy theory to prove any claim you want.

M15606: Magic of Higher Powers in Spark 2023 (Mar. 18 - 19, 2023)
Come learn about the hidden surprises in the seemingly simple operation of taking a number $$a$$ and raising it to the $$n$$th power $$a^n= a \cdot a \cdot \ldots a$$, i.e. multipling $$a$$ by itself $$n$$ times. Did you know $$n$$ does not have to be an ordinary counting number like $$1,2,3, \ldots$$? What if $$n$$ is negative? Or a fraction? Or imaginary!? What is $$\sqrt{-1}$$ raised to the power of the square root of $$\sqrt{-1}$$? You may have heard of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional shapes. But have you heard of 1.58-dimensional shapes? Why do the first six decimal digits of $$22/7 = 3.142857142857142857\ldots$$ repeat over and over again? Why are the first ten decimal digits of $$(2+\sqrt(3))^{20}$$ all just $$.9999999999$$? What is Euler's constant $$e \approx 2.718$$ and why is it so special, showing up everywhere from your personal finances to pandemics to geometry? How can you calculate it on a four-function calculator using just the + - x ÷ operations?

X15297: Europe Does Not Exist: learn the art of making conspiracy theories (Part 1) in Splash 2022 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2022)
Did you learn in school that there is something called a "Europe" located north of Africa and west of Asia? Well, that is actually wrong! You've been lied to and brainwashed by the shameless ruling elites to believe in this nonsense. There is overwhelming evidence to prove that every single thing you've heard regarding this so-called "Europe" is pure fabrication. What about the Eiffel Tower? That's actually in China. Stonehenge? In Zimbabwe. Shakespeare was an Iraqi and Isaac Newton flat out never existed. Come learn about just some of the abundant evidence that there is no such thing as "Europe". Let us together uncover this obscene conspiracy. In the process we'll learn tips on how you too can spin a conspiracy theory to prove any claim you want. Note: This class has a part 1 and part 2 with different content. You do not need to attend part 1 to attend part 2, or vice versa, but it is recommended.

X15442: Europe Does Not Exist: learn the art of making conspiracy theories (Part 2) in Splash 2022 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2022)
Did you learn in school that there is something called a "Europe" located north of Africa and west of Asia? Well, that is actually wrong! You've been lied to and brainwashed by the shameless ruling elites to believe in this nonsense. There is overwhelming evidence to prove that every single thing you've heard regarding this so-called "Europe" is pure fabrication. What about the Eiffel Tower? That's actually in China. Stonehenge? In Zimbabwe. Shakespeare was an Iraqi and Isaac Newton flat out never existed. Come learn about just some of the abundant evidence that there is no such thing as "Europe". Let us together uncover this obscene conspiracy. In the process we'll learn tips on how you too can spin a conspiracy theory to prove any claim you want. Note: This class has a part 1 and part 2 with different content. You do not need to attend part 1 to attend part 2, or vice versa, but it is recommended.

H14731: Random Facts about Communist Countries in Splash 2021 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2021)
Did you know that Fidel Castro's favourite cow holds the world record in milk yield on a single day? That Burkina Faso vaccinated 2.5 million children in one week under Marxist rule? That an interview broadcast on Soviet TV revealed, with evidence, that Lenin was actually a mushroom? Come learn about intriguing things that happened in the communist world that you'd never find in a history book! This class does not endorse any political ideology, and won't be a comprehensive history lesson but just a bunch of miscellaneous facts. Since we're at MIT, we'll be particularly interested scientific/technical topics among others.

X14752: Europe Does Not Exist: learn the art of making conspiracy theories in Splash 2021 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2021)
Did you learn in school that there is something called a "Europe" located north of Africa and west of Asia? Well, that is actually wrong! You've been lied to and brainwashed by the shameless ruling elites to believe in this nonsense. There is overwhelming evidence to prove that every single thing you've heard regarding this so-called "Europe" is pure fabrication. What about the Eiffel Tower? That's actually in China. Stonehenge? In Zimbabwe. Shakespeare was an Iraqi and Isaac Newton flat out never existed. Come learn about just some of the abundant evidence that there is no such thing as "Europe". Let us together uncover this obscene conspiracy. In the process we'll learn tips on how you too can spin a conspiracy theory to prove any claim you want.

H14322: Random Facts about Communist Countries in Splash 2020 (Nov. 14 - 15, 2020)
Did you know that Fidel Castro's favourite cow holds the world record in milk yield on a single day? That Burkina Faso vaccinated 2.5 million children in one week under Marxist rule? That an interview broadcast on Soviet TV revealed, with evidence, that Lenin was actually a mushroom? Come learn about intriguing things that happened in the communist world that you'd never find in a history book! This class does not endorse any political ideology, and won't be a comprehensive history lesson but just a bunch of miscellaneous facts. Since we're at MIT, we'll be particularly interested scientific/technical topics among others.

H13266: Random Facts about Communist Countries in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
Did you know that Fidel Castro's favourite cow holds the world record in milk yield on a single day? That Burkina Faso vaccinated 2.5 million children in one week under Marxist rule? That an interview broadcast on Soviet TV revealed, with evidence, that Lenin was actually a mushroom? Come learn about intriguing things that happened in the communist world that you'd never find in a history book! This class does not endorse any political ideology, and won't be a comprehensive history lesson but just a bunch of miscellaneous facts. Since we're at MIT, we'll be particularly interested scientific/technical topics among others.

H13547: Neurodivergence in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
Neurological spectrum conditions, such as autism, Aspergers, etc. are growing more prevalent and well-represented in our society today. Come learn what these conditions are and what it is like to live with them, strengths and challenges facing the community, and how people on and off the spectrum can contribute to a neurodiverse world.

P13036: What is Color in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
Why do things have color? How do dyes work? Learn that and more!

S12577: Prove that magnets exist using math in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
The Ising model, a simplified description of a material with interacting spins, is a key area of modern theoretical physics research. We will explore the model using clever mathematical techniques like transfer matrices and mean field theory. We can apply this to uncover the fascinating behaviour of materials under magnetic field, including when a metal becomes a ferromagnet, and other intriguing statistical effects and extensions (like water boiling).

H12672: Random Facts about Communist Countries in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Did you know Marie Curie's son-in-law won the Stalin Peace Prize? Chile ran its planned economy with a prototype neural network software in the 70's? The Việt Minh guerrilla movement published a high school geometry textbook during the First Indochina War? Come learn about intriguing things that happened in the communist world that you'd never find in a history book! This class does not endorse any political ideology, and won't be a comprehensive history lesson but just a bunch of miscellaneous facts. Since we're at MIT, we'll be particularly interested scientific/technical topics among others.

H12685: Neurodivergence in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Neurological spectrum conditions, such as autism, Aspergers, etc. are growing more prevalent and well-represented in our society today. Come learn what these conditions are and what it is like to live with them, strengths and challenges facing the community, and how people on and off the spectrum can contribute to a neurodiverse world.

X12181: What? Where? When? - Russian Game Show! in Spark 2018 (Mar. 17 - 18, 2018)
Что? Где? Когда? ("Chto? Gde? Kogda?", English "Who? Where? When?") is a competitive intellectual game very popular across Russia and the former Soviet Union. Teams guess clever answers to challenging trivia questions. Come join us to play a round, have fun, and win prizes! Удачи вам! (you do not need to have formed a team in advance)

M11891: Integration Bee! in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Come participate in an integration bee (YES, A CONTEST), similar to the one held at MIT annually, and then learn some calculus from us afterwards! Winner of the bee (the GRAND INTEGRATOR) gets a prize TBD.

X11996: What? Where? When? - Russian Game Show! in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Что? Где? Когда? ("Chto? Gde? Kogda?", English "Who? Where? When?") is a competitive intellectual game very popular across Russia and the former Soviet Union. Teams guess clever answers to challenging trivia questions. Come join us to play a round, have fun, and win prizes! Удачи вам! (you do not need to have formed a team in advance)

S11997: Theory of Special Relativity in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Time machines aren't just science fiction! With simple and intuitive thought experiments and a bit of math, you too can learn the physics that made Einstein famous! We will start with the basics of length contraction and time dilation and move on to look at the symmetries of four vectors and the Lorentz group in the Minkowski spacetime manifold, changing the way you think of position and time forever.

H11430: The Great Language Game in Spark 2017 (Mar. 11 - 12, 2017)
Learn to sound smart by pretending to be able to recognize any language you hear. In the process explore our world's linguistic diversity through this interactive class.

S10920: Statistical Physics of Materials in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Real life materials are full of intricate properties and interactions. Using elementary math and fundamental principles, we will unravel these mysteries all the way down to the quantum scale to understand why materials are the way they are. Join to learn about the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac probability distributions and their implications. We will also be introduced to elegant mathematical tricks such as partition functions and mean field theory. With simple derivations, we can make powerful predictions, like what makes a material an insulator, why neutron stars form, when does a material become magnetic or change phase, and how fast do things heat up.

M10443: Winning in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
In this course you will learn how to win. Game theory is a useful tool for analyzing all sorts of strategic activities, from childhood games to nuclear war. We will learn how to mathematically understand what constitutes good game play, and then apply this surprisingly simple but powerful logic to devising strategies to (almost) guarantee winning at various two-player games. The focus will be on optimal strategies for impartial combinatorial games, but we will study other types of games as well.

S9879: Theory of Special Relativity in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Time machines aren't just science fiction! With simple and intuitive thought experiments and a bit of math, you too can learn the physics that made Einstein famous! We will start with the basics of length contraction and time dilation and move on to look at the symmetries of four vectors and the Lorentz group in the Minkowski spacetime manifold, changing the way you think of position and time forever.

M9894: Counting with Algebra: An Introduction to Generating Functions in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Generating Functions are a powerful counting technique which encodes combinatorial information in polynomials and formal series, which can then be manipulated algebraically, thereby reducing a counting problem to an algebra problem. In this class, we will discuss how to use generating functions to solve difficult counting problems.