ESP Biography

SAMUEL BERMAN-COOPER, Harvard - Philosophy of Religion

Major: Study of Religion

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2012

Picture of Samuel Berman-Cooper

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H3673: Apocalypse Then: Conrad's Heart of Darkness in HSSP Harvard HSSP Fall 2010 (Oct. 02, 2010)
In this course, students will participate in a detailed reading of Joseph Conrad’s 1902 novella Heart of Darkness. Major themes of the novella, including imperialism, insanity, and the nature of good and evil, will be located and discussed with respect to the broader philosophical and cultural contexts of the time. Supplemental readings will address Romanticism, Modernism, frame narratives, moral ambiguity, and human nature. At the end of the course, we will read and discuss more recent post-colonial criticism of Conrad, most notably by Chinua Achebe, author of Things Fall Apart.

H3139: Plato and The Dude: Western Philosophy in the Contemporary World in HSSP Harvard HSSP Spring 2010 (Feb. 06, 2010)
In this course, we will use the Coen Brothers’ film The Big Lebowski to explore the role philosophy plays in shaping our lives, our culture, and our civilization. The central question of investigation will be: “What is Philosophy and what is it for?” Students will debate the relevance and value of a range of topics from Ancient Greek concepts of “Form” and “Essence,” to Enlightenment notions of Objectivity, Subjectivity, and the limits of reason and understanding, to Existentialist questions about purpose, freedom, and authenticity. Students will be encouraged to explore the means by which films like The Big Lebowski represent both the expression of philosophical ideas in the popular media and the effect of philosophy on contemporary life in general.