ESP Biography


Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Harvard University

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Zad Chin

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C14486: Siri, self-driving cars, and COVID: what can (and can’t) AI do for you? in Spark 2021 (Mar. 13 - 27, 2021)
Have you ever wondered what’s powering many of the apps on smartphones? Or how a computer can beat you in a video game and predict skin cancer? Or maybe you’re curious how far we are from robots like Wall-E (or even the Terminator!). In this fun course, we’ll teach you about what’s driving this technology - artificial intelligence (AI)! In this whirlwind tour of AI, you’ll learn not only about the state-of-the-art machine intelligence, but also why babies are still smarter than even the best computers. How can this be? Find out with us in this awesome course - no prior background in AI is needed - we hope to see you there!