ESP Biography

AUDREY DEVAULT, Caltech Physics 2023

Major: Physics

College/Employer: Caltech

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Audrey DeVault

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! My name is Audrey and I going into my junior year at Caltech. I am a Physics major but have always loved math and CS as well. Over the past year I have been working with NASA's NuSTAR mission studying pulsars. I attended MIT SPLASH three times as a student, and loved every second of it, so I'm so happy to be coming back to ESP as a teacher!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S14599: Cool Theories in Math and Physics by Caltech Students in HSSP Summer 2021 (Jul. 10 - 31, 2021)
Want to learn more about the coolest theories in math and physics? Here we will cover a different topic each week, ranging from Quantum Mechanics to Undecidability. If you’re interested in theoretical math and physics but aren’t quite sure where to dive in, this is the place! While you’re here feel free to ask any of us teachers about our experiences with research, Caltech, or the college application process. Hope to see you soon!

S14018: Cool Theories in Math and Physics by Caltech Students in HSSP Summer 2020 (Jul. 11, 2020)
Want to learn more about the coolest theories in math and physics? Here we will cover a different topic each week, ranging from Godel's Incompleteness Theorems to Special Relativity. If you’re interested in theoretical math and physics but aren’t quite sure where to dive in, this is the place! While you’re here feel free to ask any of us teachers about our experiences with research, Caltech, or the college application process. Hope to see you soon!