ESP Biography

CHRIS SU, MIT Senior who loves plushie keychains.

Major: Biology

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Chris Su

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Mmm. Yummy.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X3821: The Art of Money in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
Ever seen a hundred TRILLION dollars? Last year, Zimbabwe rolled out a 1014
dollar paper note, making this officially the paper money with the most number of zeros ever printed. Did you know that Chile fired its Mint Manager because of an error on a coin that boldly declared the coin was produced by the country of CHIIE? Do you want to SEE that coin? Come learn about the fascinating world of money - and walk away with a free souvenir.

X3822: Hardcore College Admissions in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
HYPMSC = Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and Caltech. The Big Six. Want to get in? Have questions? MIT Admissions Blogger and College Confidential enthusiast with 1,900+ posts decrypts the college application process for you in a fun seminar, since Splash 2007! Topics include: high school preparation, GPA, SAT, AP, extracurriculars, teacher recommendations, personal essays, deadlines, compiling a college list, choosing a college, and a Q/A session.

X2802: Hardcore College Admissions in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
HYPMSC = Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and Caltech. The Big Six. Want to get in? Have questions? MIT Admissions Blogger and College Confidential enthusiast with 1,700+ posts decrypts the college application process for you in a fun seminar, since Splash 2007! Topics include: high school preparation, GPA, SAT, AP, extracurriculars, teacher recommendations, personal essays, deadlines, compiling a college list, choosing a college, and a Q/A session.

X2803: The Art of Money in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Ever seen a hundred TRILLION dollars? Earlier this year, Zimbabwe rolled out a 1014
dollar paper note, making this officially the paper money with the most number of zeros ever printed. Curious what's going to happen next year to quarters that the State Quarters finally came to a close? (did you know that it's been TEN YEARS since the Delaware Quarter?) Come see 100,000,000,000,000 dollars, pick up a souvenir, and learn about the fascinating world of money!

X2224: The Art of Money in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
Just last summer, inflation in Zimbabwe topped 11 million percent, forcing the government to print banknotes bearing the denomination of 100 billion (10(11)
). Also, by the end of this year, you will see the DC and Territory Quarters, adding on to the 50 State Quarters released between 1999 and 2008. Money design is an integral part of preserving our history, and this class invites you to explore the story contained in US and international money. If not for anything else, come and see 100,000,000,000 dollars live. :D (and get a free souvenir!)

X2225: Hardcore College Admissions in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
HYPSMC = Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Caltech = the Holy Grail of College Admissions. Want to get into one of these? MIT Admissions Blogger and veteran with over 1,600 posts shares some insights (disclaimer: my opinions are strictly personal and do not represent the official positions of any college =p).

H1556: The Art of Money in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Just this summer, inflation in Zimbabwe topped 11 million percent, forcing the government to print banknotes bearing the denomination of 100 billion (1011
). Also, by the end of this year, you will see the Hawaii quarter, marking the 50th unique quarter released since 1999. Money design is an integral part of preserving our history, and this class invites you to explore the story contained in US and international money. If not for anything else, come and see 100,000,000,000 dollars live. :D

H1568: Hardcore College Admissions in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
HYPSMC = Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Caltech = the Holy Grail of College Admissions. Want to get into one of these? MIT Admissions Blogger and veteran with nearly 1,600 posts shares some insights (disclaimer: my opinions are strictly personal and do not represent the official positions of any college =p).

J1411: World History: Crossroads of Tradition and Change in Junction Summer 2008 (Jun. 30, 2008)
"History is a search for light on the nature and destiny of man," historian Arnold Toynbee once wrote. In this fast-paced survey of world history, we'll begin from Mesopotamia and work our way towards the Cold War and the Nuclear Era. The focus of the class will not be geared towards memorizing dates, places, and names - but rather an ongoing discussion on change and continuity over the centuries. Emphasis will especially be placed on development of different continents and people groups and their interactions. Taught with experience from taking all three history AP exams (with scores of 5 on all of them), this course would also prepare students for the AP World History exam to a significant extent. Vocabulary sheets and AP review material will be included in the handouts.

H1148: American Numismatics 101 in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
You'll never look at a quarter the same way again. Guaranteed. :)

SATPrep Verbal-Orange in SATPREP (2007)

SATPrep Verbal-Orange in SATPREP (2007)

SATPrep Verbal-Orange in SATPREP (2007)

American Numismatics 101 in SPLASH (2007)
You'll never look at the dollar bills and the quarters in your pockets in the same way ever again. Guaranteed. ...

Rock Your College Applications in SPLASH (2007)
Stumped by the pages and pages of blank bubbles that you have to fill in? Parents yelling at you to ...

Thinking About College Applications in SPLASH (2007)
Don't know why you're taking SATs? Confused about what colleges to be looking at? Sick of hearing seniors complain about ...