Major: 6-2 College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: G |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Felix is an MIT masters student studying AI and speech. He likes simulation games, singing, and cute fluffy things. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)M10300: How to Threaten People (Using Game Theory) in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
We all know that a threat is one of the most common ways to get someone to do something they don't want to do. But, how can you threaten someone in a way that actually gets results? And if you are threatened, what can you do about it? We will answer these questions using ideas from game theory and economics.
This class can be thought of as an introduction to competitive strategy, focusing on the threat, one of the most interesting and complex maneuvers available to competitors. You will learn the tools that world leaders, CEOs, and board game players alike use to make a strategy in the presence of hostile players.
Z9961: How to Threaten People (Using Game Theory) in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
We all know that a threat is one of the most common ways to get someone to do something they don't want to do. But, what makes a threat effective, and how can the other party effectively react? We will use some basic ideas from economics and game theory to improve our threatening skills.
This class can be thought of as an introduction to competitive strategy, focusing on the threat, one of the most interesting and complex maneuvers available to competitors. You will learn the tools that world leaders, CEOs, and board game players alike use to make a strategy in the presence of hostile players.
C10062: Splash Hackathon in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Whether you're new to programming or have experience, we'll help you learn new things and get better!
This will be a self-paced programming workshop, where you get to work on whatever you want -- either pursue your own idea, or let us suggest a project. We'll be here to guide you if you get stuck. If you've never programmed before, we'll have suggestions for resources to use to get started.
We'll be in a computer lab, but feel free to bring your own laptop (just make sure to keep an eye on it – Splash is hectic, and it's easy to lose things!).
C9329: Spark Hackathon in Spark 2015 (Mar. 14 - 15, 2015)
Whether you're new to programming or have experience, we'll help you learn new things and get better!
This will be a self-paced programming workshop, where you get to work on whatever you want -- either pursue your own idea, or let us suggest a project. We'll be here to guide you if you get stuck. If you've never programmed before, we'll have suggestions for resources to use to get started.
We'll be in a computer lab, but feel free to bring your own laptop.
C9352: Distributed computing for dummies in Spark 2015 (Mar. 14 - 15, 2015)
If I give you a list of ten billion street addresses, and asked you to find the ones closest to your house, how would you do it?
This class is about solving big problems with lots of computers. Problems like searching the entire internet, or storing photos for a billion users around the world. We will talk about how these problems can be solved by a network of computers working together.
No programming experience is required - we will emphasize ideas and intuition over code.
C8540: Distributed Computing for Dummies in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
If I give you a list of ten billion street addresses, and asked you to find the ones closest to your house, how would you do it?
Distributed computing is using a network of many computers to solve very large problems. It is essential to many things you use every day, including Google searches and GPS driving directions. We will talk about how to solve computing problems using many computers at once. The best part is, no programming experience is required.
W9099: Now hiring: programming ninjas [mock interviews for programming jobs] in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
We're looking for computer programmers to join our dynamic, agile, buzzwordy team! Come interview for our wide variety of positions, available immediately. Wha, you're a 9th grader? It's never too early to start... come, give it a shot! What do you say?
Come experience what it's like to interview for a programming job. Don't worry - it's fun! We are looking for people at all levels of experience (aka, we will have appropriate problems for you, whether you are just starting out, or more experienced). If you absolutely have no idea how to code, you can still watch your friends get interviewed, and learn something about the process.
If you are interested in turning the tables and becoming an interviewer, we may be able to do that, too.
C8235: Learn programming with video games! in Spark 2014 (Mar. 15 - 16, 2014)
Learn to program your own video games! This class will teach you the basics of programming in Python, by having you write your own games.
If you have your own laptop, feel free to bring it to the class. Otherwise, we have computers for you to use.
Note: this class is designed for people with very little or no programming experience. If you are more experienced, you may find this class slow.
M7240: Immersion Python - a first course in programming in HSSP Summer 2013 (Jul. 07, 2013)
Want to learn programming, but have no or very little experience? This course is for you. The goal of this class is to give you a hands-on, practical understanding of how to code, plus the ability to start your own projects and learn more for yourself.
There will be many coding exercises and mini-projects, culminating in a final project of your choice. We will use the Python programming language.
W6465: Tallest Structure Contest! in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
How tall of a structure can you build with only:
1) One 8.5x11 sheet of paper and
2) 12 inches of Scotch tape?
Come find out in Lobby 13! We'll have an all-day leaderboard, with (possible) prizes for the top scorers.
S6764: Synthetic Biology in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
What would you do if you had the power to make bacteria smell like bananas, destroy environmental poisons, or glow fluorescent green? Synthetic biology is the new and exciting science of using biology's toolkit to engineer new and useful systems. We're the MIT team competing in the 2012 International Genetically Engineered Machine competition, here to show you why synthetic biology is awesome and what we can do with it.
M5991: Introduction to Counting and Probability in HSSP Summer 2012 (Jul. 08, 2012)
--A first course in combinatorics and probability, designed for students with little or no experience in these subjects.--
Come explore probability and counting with us! Probability lets us model uncertainty; counting lets us ...ummm... count things. Very large, seemingly intractable things. These two subjects are actually interlinked in intricate, fundamental ways.
We'll begin with counting strategies, like combinations and overcounting. We'll then apply counting to calculate probabilities, and develop the basic rules of probability. Depending on interest, we will then cover some more advanced ways to use probability, like conditional probability and expected value.
Our class will be discussion- and problem-based, so be prepared to work on difficult math problems with your classmates. There will be occasional problem sets (homework, in MIT speak) that are optional, but highly rewarding.
W5242: Art of Problem Solving Meet-Up! in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Are you an AoPS member? Come meet your fellow AoPS geeks! Three of us MIT freshmen - Felix (sunnyboy780), Luyi, and Joel (joelinia) - are TAs for the AoPS classes, and we want to meet as many of you as possible.
Of course, we'll have fun math problems for you to attack, and name tags so you can identify others by screen name.