HSSP Summer 2012
Course Catalog

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Arts Computer Science
Engineering Humanities
Mathematics Science

This is last year’s catalog; it is here only as a sample of the types of courses that are offered. Our courses change each year with what our teachers want to teach. The final Summer 2013 catalog will be posted in mid-June before student registration opens.


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A5956: Art and Experimental Film Closed!
Difficulty: *

A6028: a sketch book project Full!
Difficulty: *

Computer Science

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C6016: Introductory Programming Full!
Difficulty: **


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E6005: Winning a Losing Game: Interactive Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
Difficulty: ***

Ever been curious about how engines work? How the power you use in your home is generated? If you have, then this is the class for you! We're taking an interactive approach to the often-feared subjects of thermal and fluid dynamics. You'll get an introduction to energy, entropy, the laws of thermodynamics, and basic fluid dynamics. We'll culminate the course with connections to electricity generation, jet engines, and other awesome applications.

Good algebra knowledge, some basic physics and chemistry would be helpful. Basic calculus will be used but prior experience is not necessary.

E5970: Microbial Chemical Factories (or How to Win Friends and Influence Microbes)
Difficulty: ***

Come learn about synthetic biology, an exciting field that combines engineering with molecular biology. In class, we’ll aim to answer questions like these: How do we harness the power of microbes and proteins so that we can to produce important chemicals like biofuels and pharmaceuticals from renewable resources? How can we assemble existing biological processes in new and useful ways?
To get there, we’ll be looking at everything from recombinant DNA technology to what laundry detergent has in common with pineapple juice (and how that knowledge can be useful). We’ll also do hands-on demos and experiments that you can use later to impress your friends and family.

A high school biology course is strongly recommended, and some background in chemistry would also be helpful.

E6040: Circuit Theory I
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jamie Chu, Amin Kiani

Are you interested in how circuits work but think its seems too complicated to understand? You are not alone. Take this this introductory course on explain how electrical current flows through a DC circuit. Problems will be solved together in class and supplemented with a few homework per week.

Knowledge of algebra and a calculator (Scientific calculator is a plus but not required)

E6026: HSSP Toy Lab Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily TenCate

E6004: Circuit Theory I
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jamie Chu, Amin Kiani

Are you interested in how circuits work but think its seems too complicated to understand? You are not alone. Take this this introductory course on explain how electrical current flows through a DC circuit. Problems will be solved together in class and supplemented with a few homework per week.

Knowledge of algebra and a calculator (Scientific calculator is a plus but not required)

E6032: Lecture Series: Engineering
Difficulty: *

Come explore different topics in engineering during this lecture series! Lecture Series are HSSP classes that have a new teacher discussing a different topic each week within a specific subject. This year's Lecture Series include Math, Engineering, Ancient History and Mythology, and Biology.


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H5985: Paris in Cambridge Closed!
Difficulty: ***

H5976: The Four F’s of Learning Spanish: Food, Festivals, Fashion, and Films Closed!
Difficulty: **

H5968: On the Road Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lee Hershey

H6039: Paris in Cambridge Closed!
Difficulty: **

H6015: World Mythology Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Diana Wu

H5977: The Four F’s of Learning French: Food, Festivals, Fashion, and Films Closed!
Difficulty: **

H5979: Economic Perspectives
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sheila Lee

In this class, students will learn the basic principles of economics through various interactive simulations, games, and discussions. Microeconomic projects include activities demonstrating the invisible hand at work, marginal returns, and production possibilities. For macroeconomics, we will look at trends around the world and use simulations to understand the importance of trading. This course is designed for students with no economics background.

H5965: Philosophy of the Mind Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Carol Hardick

H6033: Lecture Series: Ancient History and Mythology
Difficulty: *

Come explore the history and mythology of different ancient cultures during this lecture series! Lecture Series are HSSP classes that have a new teacher discussing a different topic each week within a specific subject. This year's Lecture Series include Math, Engineering, Ancient History and Mythology, and Biology.

H5972: Dreams, Dreaming and the Subconscious Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Carol Hardick


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M5971: For the Love of Numbers
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Dylan Yott

I'm sure you've all heard of π
, and for a very good reason. π
is an extremely important number that shows up everywhere in mathematics. Similarly, you may have heard of a number called e
which is (arguably) even important than π
! Then there's this crazy number called i
which satisfies i2=1
. On their own each of these numbers is spectacular, and they are in fact connected in a very important way by the following formula: eiπ=1
. If this doesn't shock you, then I don't know what will!

So e
, i
, and π
are all very special and interesting numbers. However, there are lots of interesting numbers out there that aren't as "exotic" as e
, i
, π
. For example, the number 163
has some very remarkable and mysterious properties related to deep areas of number theory!

In this class, we will discuss all sorts of interesting numbers with lots of applications to number theory, and we'll even learn some calculus on the way. It's going to be awesome.

Algebra 1. If you know Algebra 2 and Trig that would be great, and if you know Calculus, even better, but I won't assume knowledge.

M6031: Lecture Series: Math
Difficulty: *

Come explore different topics in mathematics during this lecture series! Lecture Series are HSSP classes that have a new teacher discussing a different topic each week within a specific subject. This year's Lecture Series include Math, Engineering, Ancient History and Mythology, and Biology.

M6029: Probability, problems, and practicals Closed!
Difficulty: ***

M6018: Computability and Complexity
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Gaurav Singh

Can we make a program that can check if a program will stop? How long does it take a program to run? These are some questions that we will answer in this class. We will define a theoretical version of a computer, and see what it can or cannot do, and what it means for an algorithm to be fast.

A strong background in proof based mathematics. You should be able to write a rigorous proof.

M6019: Fractals, and self similarity in the real world
Difficulty: ***

In this course, we will discuss how patterns appear in the real world(and sometimes how they don't!), ranging from the stock market and music, to how trees grow and a little dip into chaos theory and Brownian motion!

A solid understanding of mathematics is required, but the exact level of depth can vary according to student abilities, and will depend on all enrolled. We will also create fractals using basic coding in Java. This course will range widely in difficulty according to student interest and ability. I intend for it to be open ended, with plenty of graphics and geometric interpretations, but a fun intellectual challenge for all!

None, all material will be taught. I plan on expecting knowledge of algebra 2 and some basic precalc, but the concepts needed will be explained in class.

M5991: Introduction to Counting and Probability Closed!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Felix Sun

M6017: The Geometry Strikes Back Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Cole, Stephen Face

M5992: The Matrix Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jacobi Vaughn

M6013: Mathematical Symmetry, Geometric Sculpture, and Office Supplies Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zachary Abel

M5990: Foundations of Mathematics Closed!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Andrew Koche

M5975: Calculus: A Whirlwind Tour Closed!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Adam Hood


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S5989: The How and Why of Life and the Universe Full!
Difficulty: **

S5988: The Psychology and Physics of Music
Difficulty: **

In this course, we will examine both the "hard" and "soft" science of music. From the so-called "Mozart effect" to the deep emotional connection people have with music, we will consider what music means to our brains and try to explore why we experience music the way we do. We will also look at what sound physically is -- how it is generated by various instruments, what physical phenomena your ears actually experience, and how the brain processes that information.

Students should have familiarity with trigonometric functions to follow physical descriptions of sound waves.

S6027: Intro to PHARxMACY
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Susanna Wong

DRUGS. What are these little pills that are in your medicine cabinet and how do they work?

Come learn about the pharmacy world and what it's like to pursue a career as a pharmacist. Whether you've already decided you want to be a pharmacist or if you just want to dip your feet in to get a feel, this class will give you a basic understanding of what pharmacy is really about. Pharmacists are more than just people who count pills on a tray.

Note: Will touch upon topics such as physiology & pharmacology but not in nitty gritty detail.

Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Biochemistry preferred but not required.

S6022: The Equations that Changed the World
Difficulty: **

We will cover the most important fundamental equations that define our understanding of what goes on around us.

Knowledge of some basic physics.

S6023: Biotechnology in the 21st Century Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Bob Weinberg

S5967: Cell Biology Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Tuyen Phung

S5984: History of Medicine Closed!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sasha Targ

S6038: Selected Topics in Introductory Physics
Difficulty: ***

You've used F = ma before but felt like all you did were some cut-and-dried problems, mostly on mechanics. In this course, we will go beyond plugging and chugging by examining some interesting and challenging examples in introductory physics and by exploring some topics not frequently seen in high school physics courses. Topics include the history of the atom, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, special relativity, and thermodynamics.

Though the course is self contained, most will find that a working knowledge of kinematics and Newton’s laws will be necessary to keep up with the fast pace of the course.

S6035: Lecture Series: Biology
Difficulty: *

Come explore different topics in biology during this lecture series! Lecture Series are HSSP classes that have a new teacher discussing a different topic each week within a specific subject. This year's Lecture Series include Math, Engineering, Ancient History and Mythology, and Biology.

S6014: Practical Physics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Eric Nagy

S5987: Generally speaking: Relativity Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Dragos Velicanu

S6012: Space and Time Full!
Difficulty: ***

S6008: Sensation and Perception Full!
Difficulty: **

S5982: Better Living Through Quantum Mechanics
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Tom Alcorn

So you've heard a lot about quantum mechanics. The Uncertainty Principle, Quantum Tunneling, Superposition. Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Dirac. Want to know what all the fuss is about? Take this class.

Here's a cool inequality for you to think about:

You'll be learning about why you should be worried about quantum mechanics. Did I say worried? I meant TERRIFIED. It's going to be like Silence of the Lambs but instead of Lambs there will be Wavefunctions...

Just kidding, it won't be scary. But it will turn your world upside down. Here are some reasons why we need to get to the bottom of quantum mechanics:
-Einstein helped invent it
-You are a wave (well, more of a ripple really)
-You are also a particle
-Classical physics predicts that you don't exist

That last point should indicate to you that it is wrong. If it doesn't, you're probably a philosopher. Sign up for this class and solve the mysteries of the universe*!

There will be light homework but I will not ask for it to be turned in.

*Admittedly, we won't actually be able to solve them. But thinking about them is still a lot of fun!

Physics: You should know about things like F=ma
, energy (kinetic and potential), electric charge, electric fields. Calculus: It helps but I will teach around it as much as possible.

S6009: Regenerative Biology Closed!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Stephanie Tsai

S5986: Color Chemistry: An Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Arunima Balan

Description: Have you ever wondered why the Statue of Liberty turned green? Or why venous blood is blue-tinted and arterial blood is red? All of these questions can be answered through application of coordination chemistry. We will go into reaction chemistry of transition metal complexes, their electronic and spectroscopic properties, and the molecular orbital theory of bonding.
Be prepared to see a lot of cool colors and compounds! There will be demonstrations!

One year of high school chemistry is preferred

S5980: True Chemistry
Difficulty: **

Unlike most high school chemistry classes, this class will discuss the true explanations behind a variety of chemical phenomena. Chemistry is not just a random collection of facts that one has to memorize—everything in chemistry does have an explanation, and it is my goal to reveal these explanations and show the true beauty of chemistry. We will start with the basis for all of chemistry, quantum mechanics (don’t worry, no difficult math will be used), and from there we will consider electron configurations (with a special focus on electron configurations of the mysterious d-block elements) and use them to explain some basic principles of reactivity that are exhibited by the elements of the periodic table. We will also discuss basic molecular orbital theory to explain different types of bonding (including metallic bonding). If we have time, we will discuss acid-base and oxidation-reduction chemistry, as well as some thermodynamics (including an explanation of what entropy really is!).

AP Chemistry or equivalent is recommended, though a year of regular high school chemistry may be enough for talented and interested students. A basic knowledge of physics is also recommended.


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X6003: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Symmetry
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Isabel Vogt

In this class we will approach one of the fundamental concepts across a variety of disciplines: symmetry. What makes an object symmetrical? How do we understand and classify those symmetries? How does symmetry give us information about conservation laws in physics and bonding in chemistry? Is symmetry desirable evolutionarily, artistically, aesthetically?

We will begin to answer these questions using the language of math - that is group theory. We will explore how symmetries are classified, and what makes two symmetrical objects fundamentally different or the same. Then we will turn to symmetry in chemistry, physics and biology. How are symmetries fundamental to our understanding of physical law as well as the workings of the natural world? We will then take a look at notions of symmetry in art and philosophy. Finally we will return to the important theme of symmetry in math and look at the symmetries present in more abstract "symmetrical objects".

This class is going to be challenging, with a lot of difficult, but rewarding math and science. However, the emphasis will be on a deep understanding and appreciation for the mathematics of symmetry versus a laundry list of theorems and proofs.

The most important prerequisite is a desire to engage deeply with a wide range of subjects. However, you will also need a strong background in math to at least the level of high school algebra 2, and exposure to chemistry and physics at a high school level at the least.

X6030: Cryptography and Cryptanalysis: Methods and History Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Yixiao Wang

X6021: Intro to Social Media and Professional Networking Closed!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lisa Chau

X5951: Knitting For Beginners Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Matilda Sokolov

X6025: Fun with Cooking! Full!
Difficulty: *

X5978: Leadership Training Institute (LTI) Full!
Difficulty: *

X6034: Sprinkler
Difficulty: *

Sprinkler is a series of unrelated classes in lots and lots of topics. Students enrolled in Sprinkler will get to choose from four different, unique topics each week. All classes are one-shot classes, so each week you'll have an entirely new selection to choose from.