Major: Computer Science College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: 2015 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)C10400: Hands-on Digital Logic in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
Learn about the building blocks of computers! Logic gates are electrical components that perform basic logical operations, like AND, OR, and NOT. We'll see how these can be assembled together into more interesting circuits and even build our own using simulated logic gates.
C10401: Intro to Programming and Computational Thinking in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
Learn to command your computer to help you solve problems and understand data! This class will cover the basics of programming in Python and using the IPython Notebook, generating random numbers, running repeated simulations, and making plots and graphs.
W8654: SET and Pro Set in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
Come play SET, a fun fast-paced card game of visual perception and pattern matching. We'll also have Pro(jective) Set, a SET variant with the interesting property that in any 7 cards you can always find a set. Learn to play and challenge your friends!
C9043: Learning Programming Through Elm in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
Let's say you're in math class, and you're supposed to be solving an equation, but rather than find out how old Bill is who will be twice as old as Mary in seven years you'd prefer to think about how in seven years you'll have taken over the entire world and surely equations won't get you any closer to world domination...
Enter computer programming, also known as writing equations for world domination.
This course will be a fast-paced introduction to programming. We'll be using Elm, a functional reactive programming language for web graphics with nice properties that let us reason about our programs as if they were mathematical equations. We'll learn how these properties make it a great programming language and how we can write programs in Elm that do cool things.
This is intended to serve as a first course in programming; no programming experience is necessary.
C8477: Computational Bayescraft in HSSP Summer 2014 (Jul. 06, 2014)
We live in a world of uncertainty and imperfect knowledge. Fortunately, we can make sense of that uncertainty using probability theory and an equation called Bayes' Rule that tells us how to update our beliefs based on evidence. Bayesian methods can be used to predict how likely you have a rare genetic disease, how many tanks your enemies are building, or how long you'll be waiting for the next Red Line train.
This class will be an introduction to Bayesian statistics, with a twist: rather than crunching through the math ourselves, we'll learn how to make computers do it for us.
C8199: Learning Programming Through Haskell in HSSP Spring 2014 (Mar. 01, 2014)
Let's say you're in math class, and you're supposed to be solving an equation, but rather than find out how old Bill is who will be twice as old as Mary in seven years you'd prefer to think about how in seven years you'll have taken over the entire world and surely equations won't get you any closer to world domination...
Enter computer programming, also known as writing equations for world domination.
This course will be a fast-paced introduction to programming. We'll be using Haskell, a purely functional programming language with nice properties that let us reason about our programs as if they were mathematical equations. We'll learn how these properties make it a great programming language and how we can write programs in Haskell that solve real problems.
This is intended to serve as a first course in programming; no programming experience is necessary.
C7902: Learn You A Haskell: Functional Programming in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Haskell is a purely functional, strongly typed programming language with non-strict evaluation. If none of those words made sense to you, you should take this class to fix that! We'll talk about the basics of programming in Haskell, why it's the best programming language, and how you can fit an infinite list in your computer's memory.
C6567: Learn You A Haskell: Functional Programming in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Haskell is a purely functional, strongly typed programming language with non-strict evaluation. If none of those words made sense to you, you should take this class to fix that! We'll talk about the basics of programming in Haskell, why it's the best programming language, and how you can fit an infinite list in your computer's memory.
W5906: Python Bee! in Spark! 2012 (Mar. 10, 2012)
Think you can program? Come to the Python Bee and show off your skills! Don't know Python? Show up and watch anyway!
Prizes will be awarded.
W5108: Fish! in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Canadian Fish, not to be mistaken for its little cousin Go Fish, is a card game of intense concentration, memory, and deduction. Plan to stay for 30 minutes or more. Prepare to be mentally tested.
Beyond Imaginary in SPICY DELVE (2012)
You all know that the square root of -1 is i. But what if there are more square roots of ...