Major: Anthropology College/Employer: University of Chicago Year of Graduation: 2010 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)H4230: Teacher! Teacher! in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
We all know that you know that you know what you know, but did you know that we don’t know what you know that you know? Did you know that we want to know what you know?
This class is a hands-on class about teaching--if you’ve ever wondered what it takes to be a teacher, or what it really takes to teach something--this is the class for you.
We’ll go through everything you need to teach a class: we’ll discuss basic teaching techniques and theory (pedagogy), we’ll brainstorm and plan a class--and then we’ll teach!
W4233: Walk-in in a Lego Wonderland in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
Legos! 'Nuff said.
Well, maybe not. In this walk-in seminar we will be building legos. Stop by and you will have the opportunity to relax between classes, build your own lego creation, and also contribute to a massive SPLASH Lego sculpture. It'll be great.
But, we'll also talk about legos, swap strategies and stories, and just generally hang out and chill while playing legos. So, stop by, it'll be great.
X4242: Let the Robots Win? A Conversation about Technology and Our Time in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
As we enter the second decade of the century, we are in a perpetual state of technological flux, for the first time in history. Changes that in the past took years or even generations are now measured in months, and there is no evidence that the acceleration of innovation will slow anytime soon. Some embrace the pace of technological growth, while others fear it. Most of us have feelings somewhere in between.
As we all struggle to keep up with what's new out there, this class will pause to think a bit about the ramifications of our digital age, and address some questions that get lost in the speedy shuffle.
What attitudes do people have toward new technologies? Do societal forces reward or suppress certain attitudes, over time? How does technology change our personal routines? Do we (college graduates in our mid-to-late 20s) have different opinions even from you (high schoolers in your late teens)? Does technology shrink generations? Does the societal impact of technologies change as they move from cutting edge to mainstream? When does technology enhance meaning? When does technology kill meaning? Does technology democratize society, or homogenize it, or both? What are the side effects of free flowing information and communication? Are online friends really friends? Is there room for non-digital or semi-digital technologies in a digital age? Do you love technology, or does it terrify you? Should we let the robots win?
This class will be an open conversation, and we would like everyone to come ready to participate. We will bring three different opinions* and a lot of examples and ideas to the table.... but we also want to hear your opinions and examples and ideas too. We can't wait to see where the conversation goes.
* JD is a software engineer, Luke is a graduate student in architecture, and Race is Scottish.
X2981: Teacher! Teacher! (How to teach your own class in three easy steps) in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
We all know that you know that you know what you know, but did you know that we don't know what you know that you know? Did you know that we want to know what you know?
This class is a hands on class about teaching-- if you've ever wondered what it takes to be a teacher, or what it really takes to teach something-- this is the class for you.
We'll go through everything you need to teach a class: we'll discuss basic teaching techniques and theory (pedagogy), we'll brainstorm and plan a class-- and then we'll teach!
There are no prerequisites for the class-- but come with a couple of ideas of what you want to teach.
H3010: Deep Play: Reexamining The Balinese Cock-Fight in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Cock Fights, though now illegal, remain an important part of Balinese culture, and an interesting phenomenon for analysis. Cock Fights are a more complex social phenomena than simply a "barbaric blood sport" which dirty "uncivilized" people in the middle of nowhere enjoy-- for the Balinese there are deep social and personal identity issues at stake in the fight.
This class is for anyone interested in applying a little bit of anthropological analysis to a social phenomena, or anyone interested in exploring something from an interesting and different culture.
Students are cautioned that there will be some media used in the class which some students might find disturbing.
P1623: Teacher, Teacher... in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Do you like to teach? Interested in improving your teaching skills? This class will be all about teaching, and you'll get to teach the rest of us a little something along the way.
We'll spend the first hour going over some tips for teaching in a Splash-like context. Then, in the second hour, you'll get a chance to prepare a 15-minute mini-class of your own, on a topic you've chosen ahead of time. And finally, in the last two hours, we'll split into two groups of six, and you'll all get to teach your mini-classes. After each mini-class, there'll be 5 minutes for feedback.
You don't need to prepare your mini-class in advance, but you should come with a topic in mind, and with any materials you won't be able to create in the hour you have to prepare.
L1700: Unbearable Lightness of Being: Nietzsche, Kundera and the Return in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Sex, love, hate, power, control, fidelity, betrayal. The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
The universe is full of opposites: light-dark, soft-rough, love-hate, etc. Humanity has assigned values to many of these opposing elements, light is good, darkness is bad; love is good, hate is bad.
Milan Kundera explores the opposites of light and heavy in his novel, all the while asking the question: which one is good? which one is bad?
In this class, we'll examine themes and episodes within the Unbearable Lightness of Being, in order to decide for ourselves whether we prefer lightness or heaviness.
And Nietzsche? We'll talk about him too.
L1938: And now for something completely different: Monty Python's Flying Circus. in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
It's Monty Python's Flying Circus!
The Ministry of Silly Walks. Cheese Shop. Dead Parrot. Argument Clinic. The Mouse Problem.
What makes these sketches funny? Are they funny? Does Monty Python have a message? Who do we understand the role of comedy in society?
In this class, we'll ask serious questions about not so serious subjects. We'll explore the meaning behind Monty Python's Flying Circus by watching scenes, deconstructing them, questioning them, and of course, laughing at them.