Office Assistance

Become an ESP office groupie!

Our office, W20-467 (on the 4th floor of the Student Center) is a comfortable place that hosts a lot of fun meetings and headquarters our major programs. We also receives a lot of phone calls from parents and teachers with questions about ESP programs. Our officers each spend at least an hour a week keeping the office open for phone calls or people to drop by, but many of us spend even more time tooling, hanging out, and enjoying the comfiest couches at the Institute.

We're looking for people to help us keep the office in shape, participate in the office hours, or respond to the world's inquiries through our Web site.

The ESP office has leftovers from some 50 years of programs (though thankfully, they are mostly paper leftovers). We also have to deal with a school's worth of office and art supplies, several computers, and all of the food we consume there. Our Office Managers would love to hear from anyone who could lend a hand. Or, come to any ESP meeting: Every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.

Last modified on April 07, 2009 at 12:50 p.m.