During the Sundays that Junction runs, Junction students will meet on-campus at MIT to work with mentors, share ideas with peers, take classes for fun, and finalize the projects that they’ve been working on all summer. Though individual student experiences will vary by mentor and project, here’s what a typical day at Junction will look like:
There will be 1-2 talks each week from mentors and ESP admins on various useful topics for the students. Topics could include examples such as how to present or how to make a poster. Students are free to choose to work on their projects during this time.
From 12-1 pm every day of the program, students will be provided with lunch. During the lunch break, mentors and directors will host lunchtivities, which may range from Firestorm (five minute impromptu classes) to physical activities (ultimate frisbee, hula-hooping, etc.). Participation in lunchtivities is entirely optional and at the discretion of the students.
From 1-3 pm students will have two hours to work on their projects. Students are free to allocate this time as they’d like, and either work independently or with their mentors to complete their projects. Mentors and directors will be nearby during this period, and should expect to answer questions, keep a general eye on students, and escort groups of students outside if they want a change of environment.
There will be short, one-hour classes on topics of the instructor’s choosing (think Splash or Spark). Students may skip these classes and instead continue work on their projects if they’d like.
The last half hour of the day will be reserved for final announcements and any reminders that may have come up during the day. Students are encouraged to stay until the announcements conclude in order to hear all the important announcements, but any students with transportation conflicts or a need to leave before 4:30 pm can certainly do so.
Last modified
on April 04, 2018 at 08:31 p.m.