However, if you are interested in other summer programs, we invite you to check out Summer HSSP.
Propose, design and carry out an independent study project guided by a knowledgeable mentor. Take college level, hands on afternoon seminars in a variety of fields. Be part of a tight community of students and mentors.
Junction takes place in two stages. Students spend the first half of the summer collaborating with their mentors and starting research. Then, in the second half of summer, students will meet, typically on Sundays, to talk with their mentors, collaborate in groups, or work on their project.
High school students with great ideas! Students must be in grades 9-12 before the summer they participate
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About Past Junction Programs
Junction is a summer program for advanced, self-driven high school students held on the MIT campus Sundays during July-August. Each summer, Junction gives between approximately 50 students the opportunity to execute an in-depth independent study project through a unique mentoring experience. Junction combines this individual mentoring with diverse afternoon seminars taught largely by the mentors. To apply, Junction student applicants will write a proposal explaining their idea for an independent study project. Each Junction mentor will use these proposals to select up to seven students and help these students refine their proposals throughout the summer to prepare them for Junction.
Explore some past Junction projects in the 2015 Junction Journal.
Last modified
on Nov. 29, 2020 at 10:42 p.m.