Splash! 2007
Course Catalog

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Computer Science [Deprecated] Hobbies
[Deprecated] Liberal Arts Mathematics
[Deprecated] Performing Arts Science
Social Science

Computer Science

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Programming Video Games in C/C++

Introduction to Programming
Teachers: Stephen Oney

Reading and Writing in Binary
Teachers: Shawn Westerdale

How Computers Work: Software
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

A rapid introduction to the Lambda Calculus
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Goal Oriented Machine Learning
Teachers: Bo Morgan

Introduction to Creative Synthesis

Computational Reflective Thinking
Teachers: Bo Morgan

Computer Game Hacking: An Overview
Teachers: Kenneth Schumacher

Misc. Computer Science Q and A
Teachers: Kenneth Schumacher

How the Internet and Networks Work
Teachers: Kenneth Schumacher

Document Similarity Measurement and Clustering
Teachers: Stanislav Nikolov

Advanced Java: Identity, Equality, and Reflection
Teachers: Derek Rayside

Doing stuff with data
Teachers: Derek Rayside

Promiscuous Mode: Network Protocol Analysis
Teachers: Harvey Yee

Linux and You
Teachers: Adam Seering

Concurrency and Parallel Programming
Teachers: Dan Noe

Common Sense Reasoning for Artificial Intelligence
Teachers: Catherine Havasi

Database-Backed Web Design

Natural Language Processing

Photoshopping for Beginners

Scratch - An Introduction

Web App Programming with AppJet

Introduction to Python
Teachers: Eric Price

Laboratory in Web App Programming

Scratch Board -Scratch to the next level

Facebook App Programming with AppJet

Learn Programming with Processing

What's the Internet all about anyway?
Teachers: J.D. Zamfirescu

Introduction to Programming with Haskell
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Purely Functional Programming in Haskell
Teachers: Alex Schwendner

Web App Programming with AppJet

Web App Programming with AppJet

Visualizing Our World: Ray Tracing and Computer Graphics
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

Software Engineering
Teachers: Jeremy Smith

Introducing Artificial Intelligence as Problems of Knowledge
Teachers: Dustin Smith

The Wonders of Pi
Teachers: Rufus Roo Roo

Introducing Artificial Intelligence as Problems of Knowledge
Teachers: Dustin Smith

Teachers: Aviv Ovadya

[Deprecated] Hobbies

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The Crash Course Course... To Go
Teachers: Jordan Persson

Build Your Own Headphone Amplifier
Teachers: Michael Price

Imagine, Invent, Inhabit!

Rubiks Cube in 5 Easy steps! Class I

Baseball Statistics
Teachers: Anthony Rindone

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

The Delivery and Use of Pick-up Lines
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Homebuilt Hi-fi and Music Lounge

Balloon Animal Workshop

Balloon Animal Workshop

Homebuilt Hi-fi and Music Lounge

Homebuilt Hi-fi and Music Lounge

Boffer Weapon Construction

Star Trek: Irritation

Boffer Weapon Construction

Beyond Paper Cranes
Teachers: Ada Ren

Make a Jayne Hat! (Firefly)
Teachers: Jasmine Florentine

Spraypaint Mural Workshop
Teachers: Gabriel Cira

Duct Tape Design

The Art of Chain Mail

Teachers: Liza Plotnikov

Poi Workshop (Beginner)

Automotive Engine Basics
Teachers: Craig Wildman

How to Draw Shiny Things
Teachers: Andrew Geng

How to Draw Shiny Things
Teachers: Andrew Geng

Magic 101 - Card Tricks
Teachers: Kevin Brokish

Comics and Manga I: Design and Illustration
Teachers: Jennifer Fu

Comics and Manga II: Storytelling and Production
Teachers: Jennifer Fu

How to Grow Hair

Pulling the all-nighter
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

Tasseography: Reading Tea Leaves
Teachers: Jennifer Hogan

SET: a game with combinatorial possibilities
Teachers: Moji Jimoh

Mystery Engineering
Teachers: Vrajesh Modi

How to Draw Shiny Things
Teachers: Andrew Geng

1000+ Cranes in a Day
Teachers: Ada Ren

Teachers: Ada Ren

Being a Browncoat 101 - An Intro to the Firefly 'Verse
Teachers: Michael Lin

Learn to Crochet
Teachers: Haneef Evans

Didgeridoos: How to Build em' and Play em'
Teachers: Mikey Siegel

Learning to Exhale, Forever
Teachers: Mikey Siegel

Teachers: David Zou

It Doesn't Just Taste Good!
Teachers: Casey Dugan

It Doesn't Just Taste Good!
Teachers: Casey Dugan

It Doesn't Just Taste Good!
Teachers: Casey Dugan

It Doesn't Just Taste Good!
Teachers: Casey Dugan

Comic Book Appreciation

Gift Wrapping 101
Teachers: Mindy Eng

Teachers: Laura Schuhrke

8.54 (πe)

Teachers: Holly Greenberg

American Numismatics 101
Teachers: Chris Su

Chocolate 102
Teachers: Diane Rak

Class of the Dead
Teachers: Richard Prevost

Field Guide to Fanfiction

Knex Weaponry

Elite/Top College Admissions Information Conference
Teachers: Steven Mo

Drawing and Design
Teachers: Ilan Moyer

Simple Stuffed Pals
Teachers: Yan Huang

Cross Stitch Monograms
Teachers: Yan Huang

Teachers: Sho Uemura

Cook Your Own Thanksgiving
Teachers: Stephanie Bachar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Wading through the bias
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

Paper Airplanes 101

Introduction to European Games

Sixty Murderous Minutes of Mafia
Teachers: Eva Cheung, R Tharu

Type is Cool: Introduction to Font Design
Teachers: LJ Joyner

The original origami
Teachers: Annie Kwon

Learn Tolkien's Elvish
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

The Science of "Dating"

Rubiks Cube in 5 Easy steps! Class II

YOU Can Fly!

Introductory Dark Chocolate Tasting
Teachers: Meghan Reedy

Introductory Dark Chocolate Tasting
Teachers: Meghan Reedy

Learn to Embroider
Teachers: Meghan Reedy

Introduction to Go!
Teachers: Yuri Lin, Daniel Whalen

Beginning Swing: Moves Galore
Teachers: David Zou

Embroider Anything: Pattern Design and Workshop
Teachers: Kimberly Beder

An Introduction to Practical Knotwork

illustration: the small book
Teachers: Alana Rivera


Introduction To Voice Recording and Digital Audio Editing

Photography Experience

Nutrition with a plant-based diet
Teachers: Lisa Danz

Poi Workshop (Beginner)

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Chess Challenges

Poi Workshop (Advanced)

Poi Workshop (Beginner)

How to Sleep in Class
Teachers: Kevin Hwang, Sho Uemura

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Card Throwing
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Introductory Dog Training

Spiral Paper Gift Cards
Teachers: Stephanie Bachar

Baking Stuff
Teachers: Jessy McQuaw

Urban Orienteering
Teachers: Alex Jiang

Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Hair Dyeing 101

Truffles Making 101
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

Truffles Making 101
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

How to Racewalk
Teachers: Natasha Plotkin

The Art of Chain Mail
Teachers: Jacky Chang

Star Trek: Irritation

Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Magic 101 - Card Tricks
Teachers: Kevin Brokish

Mystery Engineering
Teachers: Vrajesh Modi

Wading through the bias
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

Beginning Swing: Moves Galore
Teachers: David Zou

Class of the Dead 2
Teachers: Richard Prevost

Learn Tolkien's Elvish
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

How to Draw Shiny Things
Teachers: Andrew Geng

Root Beer Tasting

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Tie-Dye ANYTHING! (all day Saturday)
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

[Deprecated] Liberal Arts

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Days of the Wolves of Mibu: Shinsengumi!
Teachers: Jennifer Yoo

Legends of the Samurai and Ninja
Teachers: Jennifer Yoo

True History Behind Samurai Anime
Teachers: Jennifer Yoo

Teachers: Roshini Zachariah

Baseball and Philosophy
Teachers: Anthony Rindone

The Sonnet
Teachers: Lance Ozier

Glorious Music
Teachers: Lance Ozier

How to Read a Poem
Teachers: Lance Ozier

A quick introduction to the Arabic language
Teachers: Ammar Ammar

Learn Ancient Greek!
Teachers: Dygo Tosa

Introduction to Poetry
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

Beginner Latin I
Teachers: Jean Cui

Beginner Latin II
Teachers: Jean Cui

How to Order Lunch in Athens!

Being Rude in Japanese
Teachers: Colin McSwiggen

Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Teachers: Melissa Kaufman

Argumentation Theory and Debate!

Design Synectics
Teachers: Ada Ren

Rock Your College Applications
Teachers: Chris Su

Thinking About College Applications
Teachers: Chris Su

Architecture 101
Teachers: Diane Rak, ana malagon

Introduction to Postmodern Philosophy
Teachers: Kenan Diab

Yiddish On One Foot
Teachers: Meena Viswanath

Arabic Writing
Teachers: Lana Awad

Poems for Fun
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

Bring Out Your Dead! The Black Death and It's Affect on Europe

Off With Her Head! The French Revolution and the Reign of Terror

Antoni Gaudí's Masterful Architecture
Teachers: Jessie Mueller

Writing Straight A Papers!!!
Teachers: Amy Moolten

A Crash Course in Shakespeare
Teachers: Catherine Kruchten

A Crash Course in Shakespeare
Teachers: Catherine Kruchten

Introduction to American Sign Language
Teachers: Alice Ohlson

Introduction to American Sign Language
Teachers: Alice Ohlson

A Crash Course in Rock
Teachers: Josh Bails

Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

Playwriting II
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

The Sonnet
Teachers: Lance Ozier

Philosophy Discussion
Teachers: Katya Radul

Introduction to Russian Culture

A Brief Conversation About the Baha'i Faith
Teachers: David Nawi

Unknown Science Fiction and Fantasy
Teachers: Josh Shaine

Introduction to Esperanto

How to Write a News Article
Teachers: Natasha Plotkin

Uncovering the Ancient World
Teachers: Elisabeth Caron

Philosophy Discussion
Teachers: Katya Radul

Argumentation Theory and Debate! Part II


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Trigonometry With Pictures
Teachers: Andrew Geng

Turning a Pea into the Sun: The Banach-Tarski Paradox
Teachers: Chris Kennedy

Complex Numbers through Geometry

SET: The Math behind the Game
Teachers: Alexa Kottmeyer

A Brief History of Calculus
Teachers: Nicole Berdy

A (very) Brief Introduction to Calculus
Teachers: Nicole Berdy

The Necklaces : an technovative program in creativity
Teachers: Pablo Baques

The Riemann Hypothesis
Teachers: Chris Kennedy

Melissa the Mathemagician!
Teachers: Melissa Kaufman

Polynomial Roots and Coefficients (Contest Math Series)
Teachers: Keone Hon, Ann Ouyang

SUDOKU - a competition
Teachers: Robert Assaly

Markov and baseball, assessing offense using linear weights
Teachers: Chuck Korb

The Elegance of Mathematics, Part 1

Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
Teachers: Laura Schuhrke

Trigonometry With Pictures
Teachers: Andrew Geng

To Infinity and Beyond!
Teachers: Melissa Kaufman

Solve One of These Math Problems and Become Famous
Teachers: Michael Kling

Least-Squares Data Fitting
Teachers: Katherine Schadel

Zenoian Motion...or lack thereof...
Teachers: Tina Tallon

Calculus a la Euler I: The Basics via Algebra and Geometry
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Calculus a la Euler II: Some Theory via Inequalities
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Some Party Tricks, Geometry and Topology
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Calculus a la Euler I: The Basics via Algebra and Geometry
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Calculus a la Euler II: Some Theory via Inequalities
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Some Party Tricks, Geometry and Topology
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Sequences and Series (Contest Math Series)

Topological Graph Theory
Teachers: Marisa Debowsky

Math is Beautiful!
Teachers: Catherine Kruchten

Math is Beautiful!
Teachers: Catherine Kruchten

The Amazing Things That Happen in 2 Dimensions
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

The Reeb Foliation of the 3-Sphere
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

The System that Ate Itself: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
Teachers: Jesse Dunietz

The Horrible Inefficiency of English
Teachers: Katya Radul

Paradoxes and Unsolvable Problems
Teachers: Naomi Hinchen

Playing with Matrices
Teachers: Avril Kenney

Euclidean Geometry Problem Solving (Contest Math Series)
Teachers: Michael McCanna, A Z

What is a number? (And what about sets and sizes and infinity?)
Teachers: Jonathan Sailor

Combinatorics Problem Solving (Contest Math Series)
Teachers: Michael McCanna, A Z

Know Your Bases
Teachers: Ada Ren

Dynamical Systems
Teachers: Stanislav Nikolov

Number Theory
Teachers: David Roe

The Limit of Formal Systems: Hilbert, Gödel, Turing, Church
Teachers: Jonathan Sailor

Algebraic Structures
Teachers: David Roe

Finite Fields
Teachers: David Roe

Representations of Finite Groups
Teachers: David Roe

Real and p-adic numbers
Teachers: David Roe

Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms
Teachers: David Roe

Galois Representations
Teachers: David Roe

Number Tricks
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

Triangles, Angles, and Ratios
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

Mathematical Story Time!
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

Math problem solving

More fun with p-adics
Teachers: David Roe

Galois Groups
Teachers: David Roe

Teachers: Melissa Kaufman

Playing with Matrices
Teachers: Avril Kenney

Complex Numbers, Quaternions, Rotations and Spins
Teachers: Michael Livshits

[Deprecated] Performing Arts

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Try your hand at sleight-of-hand
Teachers: Hannah Bao

Basic Jazz Improvisation
Teachers: Joseph Axiak

Intermediate Jazz improvisation
Teachers: Joseph Axiak

How to Chant the Torah
Teachers: Stephen Fried

Hoop Dance with Yoga
Teachers: Simone Klein

Learn to Para Para!
Teachers: Emily Pittore

Glowstick Dancing for Novices
Teachers: Colin McSwiggen

Bhangra and Bollywood Dance

The Crash Course Course Acts Naturally
Teachers: Jordan Persson


Contemporary A Cappella Arranging
Teachers: Marisa Debowsky

From The Sound of Music to Sondheim

Intro to Middle Eastern Belly Dance
Teachers: Meiver De la Cruz

Radio! Discovering sound as a medium of communication.

Improv Workshop
Teachers: Catherine Havasi

Actors' Workshop

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Dance
Teachers: Adrianna Tam

The Legacy of Beethoven
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

Teachers: Joshua Velson

Crash Course in Voice
Teachers: Lyla Fischer

Try your hand at sleight-of-hand
Teachers: Hannah Bao


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A Bit of Physics

Introduction to Genetics
Teachers: Steven Mo

Going Nuclear: What is Nuclear Energy?

Why Should I Care about the Environment?
Teachers: Kathreen Thome

Origins of Modern Science from Copernicus to Newton
Teachers: Lance Ozier

High School Chemistry is Wrong
Teachers: Chris Kennedy

One-Way Missions to Mars
Teachers: Phillip Cunio

The Quantum States of Light
Teachers: Bhaskar Mookerji

Cosmology for the Common Nerd
Teachers: David Friend

Why the sky is blue and answers to other pressing questions
Teachers: David Friend

Music & the Brain
Teachers: Sheeva Azma

Physics Olympiad Master Class
Teachers: Kenan Diab, Haofei Wei

Chemistry Magic!
Teachers: Stephen Fried

Photosynthesis is Amazing!
Teachers: Stephen Fried

Diseases of the Nervous System
Teachers: Yasemin Gokce, Nina Kim

How the brain works: a hands-on introduction

Renewable Energy Systems
Teachers: Kevin Brokish

Intro to Neuroscience
Teachers: Kaitlin Kamrowski

Going Nuclear: What is Nuclear Energy?

Orbital Mechanics Zero
Teachers: Phillip Cunio

Make Your Own Ice Cream
Teachers: Stephanie Bachar, M H

Your Mind Sucks
Teachers: Colin McSwiggen

Science Discovers God
Teachers: Yale Zussman

The End of the World
Teachers: Kenneth Schumacher

Organic Chemistry - Nomenclature of Hydrocarbon
Teachers: Steven Mo

Reviving the Electric Car
Teachers: Irene Berry

Mach's Principle
Teachers: Kenan Diab, Haofei Wei

Physics of Figure Skating
Teachers: aubrey samost

Snap, Crackle, BOOM!!! A Fiery Introduction to Chemistry

Teachers: Michael Melgar

Animal Behavior
Teachers: Narine Mousissian

What is Chemical and Biological Engineering?
Teachers: Lu Chen

The Building Blocks of the Earth and Solar System

On Black Holes, Singularities, and the Event Horizon: A Journey
Teachers: Michael Shaw

Nuclear Reactors Explained
Teachers: Sho Uemura

Back of the Envelope Physics
Teachers: Michael Shaw

Make Your Own Ice Cream

What can a semiconductor do for you?
Teachers: Liza Plotnikov

Exploring Pharmacology
Teachers: Mariya Gusman

Snap, Crackle, BOOM!!! A Fiery Introduction to Chemistry

Internal Biowars Part 1: Immune System
Teachers: Anna Poukchanski

Internal Biowars Part 2: The Pathogens
Teachers: Anna Poukchanski

The basics of interstellar warfare

Plasmas and fusion: science and energy for the future!
Teachers: Antoine Cerfon

Dream it, Design it, Do it
Teachers: Teacher Teacher

Electrons and Electricity
Teachers: Robert Moffatt

Go Neurons Go
Teachers: Abby Noyce

Learning on the Brain
Teachers: Abby Noyce

Subliminal influences on your decisions

Tricks With Turbulence, Session 1

Big Bang Cosmology
Teachers: Tongyan Lin

Interesting Tidbits of Pharmacology: Part I
Teachers: Zak Fallows


Make Your Own Motor

Make Your Own Motor

Introduction to the Earth
Teachers: Rae Zucker

Racing Physics: Land
Teachers: Shane Colton

The Most Important Science
Teachers: Rae Zucker

Engineering Disasters
Teachers: Robert Seater

Racing Physics: Sea
Teachers: Dayan Paez

Interesting Tidbits of Pharmacology: Part II
Teachers: Zak Fallows

Intro to Chemical Structure Determination
Teachers: Sid Creutz, Kevin Hwang

Living on Mars, and Help Make It Happen
Teachers: Bruce Mackenzie

Microfabrication and MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)
Teachers: Bradley Kaanta

Teachers: Nicholas DiBella


Some cancer biology
Teachers: Alice Kaanta

Scandals in Science
Teachers: Alice Kaanta

Moore's Law and the Technological Singularity
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

Introduction to Special Relativity
Teachers: Kenan Diab, Haofei Wei

A Relaxed Discussion of How Insects Fly and Fish Swim
Teachers: Elena Glassman

Auditory Neuroscience

Tricks With Turbulence, Session 2

Social Science

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How to Become a Samurai and Ninja in 2 Hours
Teachers: Jennifer Yoo

What we say to people, What people hear
Teachers: Josh Shaine

Designer Babies
Teachers: Melissa Kaufman

The Fundamentals of Modern Warfare
Teachers: Erik Fogg, Evan Hefner

Let's Bring CRISIS Back!
Teachers: Yale Zussman

Introduction to Diplomacy
Teachers: Yale Zussman

Introduction to International Law
Teachers: Yale Zussman

Failed States
Teachers: Yale Zussman

Fundamentals of Modern Warfare - Simulation

Paradoxes of Democracy, Voting, and Social Choice
Teachers: Stephen M. Hou

Media power
Teachers: Mekan Yusupov

Paradoxes of Democracy, Voting, and Social Choice
Teachers: Stephen M. Hou

Conversational Mandarin & Cantonese 101
Teachers: Mindy Eng

49 Reasons Why California Is Better Than Your State
Teachers: Vikki Chou, Kyle Fritz

Poverty and Globalization - Beyond Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Teachers: Owen Ozier

How to save the world in your spare time
Teachers: Shava Nerad

The Future of America
Teachers: Michael Shaw

Global Health and Political Activism
Teachers: Steven White

How You're Being Lied to With Statistics, and How to Tell
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

Telling Our Stories: The Importance of Narrative
Teachers: Anya Thetford

Mοναχός: A History and Exploration of Monasticism
Teachers: Anya Thetford

Map Design for Public Transportation
Teachers: LJ Joyner

Ahlan wa Sahlan bikum fi al-Urdun! Welcome to Jordan!
Teachers: Anya Thetford

Urban Geography & Design: A Short Introduction
Teachers: LJ Joyner

The Camera's Eye: a unique perspective on history
Teachers: Tony Valderrama

The Camera's Eye: a unique perspective on history
Teachers: Tony Valderrama

Paradoxes of Democracy, Voting, and Social Choice
Teachers: Stephen M. Hou

global climate change
Teachers: Alana Rivera

Social and Emotional Characteristics of Gifted Children
Teachers: Wenda Sheard

Surprising School Facts: Education Policy 101
Teachers: Wenda Sheard

Unpeeling Layers of the Law
Teachers: Wenda Sheard

Things from Australia That Can Kill You
Teachers: Jessie Mueller

Religious Belief as a Scientific Construct
Teachers: David Nawi

Cognitive Bias: Distortion of Reality & How you view the World
Teachers: Sophia Suarez

Non-linear Thinking in a Linear World
Teachers: Josh Shaine

High School, College, & Life: a dialogue for students & parents
Teachers: Josh Shaine

Underachievement - Changing Your Perspective
Teachers: Josh Shaine

Manipulation for fun and profit

The Assumptions That Divide Us
Teachers: Anika Huhn

The Assumptions That Divide Us
Teachers: Anika Huhn

Introduction to Economics
Teachers: Jean Otrakji

40 years of history in one song
Teachers: A Coate, Teresa Finn

Paradoxes of Democracy, Voting, and Social Choice
Teachers: Stephen M. Hou